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Porto Azzurro

Porto Azzurro, an old fishing and agricultural town, is overlooked by Saint Giacomo fort, it is the heart of society life on the Island of Elba, today it is one of its most celebrated seaside resorts.

There are a number of possible excursions from Porto Azzurro: about 1 kilometre to the north, in the valley of Fosso di Riale, a footpath goes up to the Madonna del Monserrato Sanctuary. This was built by the Spanish governor Pons y Lèon in 1606, and enlarged in 1768. Here the statue of the Black Madonna is worshiped, it is a copy of the one found in Montserrat sanctuary in Catalogna.


Towards the east of the town, on a promontory the austere San Giacomo di Longone fort dominates (Longone and Porto Longone were the old names of Porto Azzurro). Now the fortress is a prison, it was built in 1603 by Philip III of Spain on a design by the architect Garcia di Toledo and the original settlement grew around it. At the start of the 17th century the Spanish troops landed at Longone together with teams of builders and in a short time built the fort. In fact in 1646 the work was more or less finished: five bulwarks connected together by robust walls. The Governor’s palace, the officials’ accommodation, the solders’ barracks, the gunpowder magazine, the armoury, a windmill and an oven are all within its walls. The perimeter of the fortress was inspired by military engineering developed, above all in Italy, during the Renaissance period and is 2,500 metres long.

Sulla strada provinciale per Rio Marina, troviamo la Piccola Miniera. Ricostruita dall’ex-minatore elbano Emilio Giacomelli, è una copia fedele delle antiche miniere dell’isola. A bordo di un trenino è possibile compiere un giro in una galleria  e osservare le tappe della vita di miniera. I locali ospitano una mostra di prodotti minerali elbani e un laboratorio dove si assiste alla lavorazione al tornio. Poco lontano incontriamo il particolare scenario offerto dalle acque del Laghetto di Terranera formatosi nell’area di un’antica miniera di pirite. Le sue acque sono tinte dallo zolfo. Le belle spiagge del comune di Porto Azzurro sono:  Barbarossa che fronteggia la penisola di Calamita;  Reale esposta a sud; il triangolo sassoso della Pianotta, collocato dalla parte esterna del molo che protegge il porto e la Rossa, a due passi dal centro.

Marina di Porto Azzurro

Marina di Porto Azzurro

Barbarossa Beach

Reale Beach

Terranera Beach

Reale Beach

Terranera Beach

Barbarossa Beach